The Wife Hates Sports is celebrating March Madness by promoting a bracket challenge being hosted by friends of the site.
Why? Because the wife hates sports… and the wife hates cancer, too.
Good friends have a $10 per bracket pool running, which donates 10% to Susan G. Komen for the Cure – an organization that raises money for breast cancer research.
It’s one way to get into the tournament more, plus to help out a good cause.
Here are the details, specifically portions of an email (below) promoting the bracket challenge.
“Welcome to the 2010 Blasbalg Brothers March Madness NCAA Tournament Pool. Many of you are receiving this email because you participated in a previous year’s pool; others are on the list because we think you might be interested in joining this year. As always, please forward this to any and all friends you think might be interested.
Like last year, 10% of the total prize money for the pool will be donated directly to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, an organization that raises money for breast cancer research. You can learn more about this great organization at their website: Feel free to give any amount over the $10 per entry, as all additional payments will also be donated directly to this cause.
Once again, we will be using to manage the brackets. All brackets must be entered directly into the website using their bracket manager page. The group is called Blasbalg and the password is gmen. Click on the following link to go directly to the group.
Note: This league is no longer active, but you should still donate
Brackets come out this Sunday evening (March 14), but it is not too early to go to the link above and make sure you can sign in. If you do not yet have a account, you will be required to set one up (it’s free). If you have any problems or need assistance, please let us know.
We will be using a 1-3-5-7-10-15 scoring format. If you don’t understand what that means, please refer to the rules that are posted on the site (go to Payout breakdowns will be posted as soon as we know how many entries we have. Last years total pool money was over $4,000, we paid out 4 places, and the winner received $2,000 ($650 of the total pool money went to Susan G. Komen).
On time entries are still $10 each ($12 each if using PayPal), and each person is limited to a maximum of 3 entries. Late entries will be subject to a $2 per entry penalty. An entry is only late if your mail is not postmarked by the start of the tournament OR if you have not communicated with us to arrange some sort of payment by the start of the tournament (11:30am Thursday, March 18, 2009). A simple email letting us know when we can expect your payment is enough to avoid the late fee, as long as the payment is actually received by the date you specify in your email. As always, all entries must be entered into the website and saved before the tournament begins in order to be valid.
Note: This league is no longer active, but you should still donate
Payment Methods
It’s not too early to pay. Avoid late fees by paying on time!
1. PREFERRED METHOD: Send funds via PayPal to (Remember that the fee for each PayPal entry is $12 per entry)
2. Send cash via mail (email one of the three contacts below for address):
3. Give cash in person, directly to either Jason, Jeff, or Jeremy Blasbalg
Again, it is highly recommended that you use PayPal for fast, easy payment.
This year, we will be pimping a blog site called “The Wife Hates Sports” ( which focuses on the differences in the male/female relationship with sports. Of all sporting events, the NCAA tournament is definitely one that attracts everyone, sometimes for different reasons. One of the participants of this pool runs the site, and he will have some fun stuff about the tournament in general, and specifically some blog posts about our pool. Check it out if you have the chance.
PLEASE check the website if you have any questions, and if your question is not answered there, then send any pool related emails to ALL of these email addresses (just reply to all on this email):
You may receive an email from the site, as well as a reminder from us as the tournament approaches. If you would like to be left off these emails, please let us know.
Thanks and good luck.
Jason, Jeff, and Jeremy Blasbalg”
Good luck if you decide to join in! — The Wife Hates Sports