With social media comes a whole new means of courtship.

Everyone knows the story of the high school kid that recently asked Kate Upton to be his prom date, only to have her decline, yet find an equally talented supermodel to take her place.

Recently floating around a number of Twitter timelines these days is a message from Harry “Bubby” Lyles, Jr., a kid from the Atlanta area, who is seeking to land a date with Olympic hurdler Lolo Jones.

As reported by the entertainment music website, Electro WOW, Bubby is a student at Georgia State, and the son of Harry Lyles, a radio consultant in the Atlanta area.

Bubby sent the following message on Twitter, in which Jones replied, “ok. I’ll be waiting”.


Screenshot of the tweet from @harrylylesjr, with response from @lolojones, as presented on Bubby’s Twitter page – Please also see the link above to visit the tweet (and RT it, if desired)

To be honest and forefront, I’m not sitting on numerous sources to verify the validity of this verbal agreement, as Lolo does not have the message on her timeline, and would therefore need to follow him to send a direct message, or send it out and delete it shortly thereafter.


If you play your cards right, 150,000 retweets could get you a date with Lolo Jones

I’m also not a huge fan of those that seek out to beg for retweets from other members of Twitter.  However, there’s something fun and catchy about this story, and when you visit Bubby’s YouTube channel, or look at some of his previous tweets, he seems like a grounded kid, and one that you can’t help but root for.

This also seems like a story that has a chance to hit national headlines at some point in the near future.

I personally hope he reaches his goal.  If he doesn’t, he’s successfully used the powers of social media to help put himself on the map.  His YouTube channel has a few videos with minor journalistic reports.  So, this tactic alone will get him and his work much more exposure.

Upon last visiting his tweet, Bubby had more than 10,000 retweets, and counting.  That’s an impressive count at this point, but he’s certainly got some more “hurdles” before reaching his goal.

Good luck, Bubby, and great choice with Lolo, she’s certainly gold medal worthy.

1:45pm 6/24/13 Update: Bubby’s tweet is picking up steam, nearing the 20,000 retweet mark

6:00pm 6/24/13 Update: He’s nearing the 24,000 retweet mark

2:00pm 6/29/13 Update: Checking in on Bubby Lyles, and he’s over the 78,000 retweet mark – still a long way to go…

3:00pm 7/15/13 Update: Bubby Lyles reached his goal of 150,000 retweets on July 3rd and Lolo Jones has accepted, and reportedly will go out on a date with him.  Here are a tweets for proof:





Congrats, Bubby!


TWHS is rooting for Bubby to get his 150,000 retweets